Meet Ami Anne

Intentional 2024 Goals: What is my Why?

January 3, 2024

Happy New Year, everyone!

It’s already day 3 of 2024, and I bet most of you are charging full steam ahead with your new year resolutions. Whether it’s embracing clean eating, hitting the gym, or whatever your heart’s set on, I’m your biggest cheerleader. Keep going, you’ve got this!

Now, let’s get personal for a moment.

I’ve realized that those typical habit-based resolutions never really worked for me. Be it reading daily, limiting desserts to weekends, or steering clear of fast food, something was missing. It made me wonder, was it a lack of willpower?

Or maybe, and here’s where you’ll want to tune in for some of Amelia’s wisdom: I lacked a compelling “WHY” to drive me. Hold that thought; I’ll circle back to it in a moment.

Picture this:

As I wrap up my COVID isolation, I’m busy crafting my 2024 Goal Celebration Bottles. Here’s a sneak peek for some inspiration!

This year, I’ve set some ambitious goals for myself. But let’s talk about the essence of these Celebration Bottles. If my goal was to visit the gym daily, I wouldn’t be popping that bottle open until December 31st. That’s not the spirit of this idea.

So, I asked myself, “What’s my true aim behind these daily *insert chosen promise to yourself*?” Bingo! That’s your real goal WRITE IT DOWN! yesssss! RIGHT NOW.

Circling back now

Here’s the kicker: As long as the Goal on the bottle drives you to build the habit, you won’t need to reward the habit. (Yeah, where did that nugget come from? Couldn’t have been me! I’m not that insightful.)

For instance, one of my 2024 ambitions is to devour 52 books. I must reach 52 before I can celebrate with that bottle. That’s at least one book a week, spanning any genre. A time limit for reading doesn’t take into account all the wonderfully unknown aspects of cracking open a new book. I might fly through an 800 pager while I struggle though a 90 pages on economics.

It’s not about nailing daily or even weekly targets. It’s about focusing on the bigger picture. Why do you want to dedicate an hour daily to your website and social media? For me, it’s about booking more photo shoots, boosting my Google visibility, and mastering skills that get me there. That’s what I am writing on my Celebration Bottles! The commitment comes naturally when the end goal is something I’m willing to work my butt off for!

If you’re joining the Celebration Bottle trend, I’d love to hear about it!

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